Can Herbs and Spices Get Rid of Ants?


There are different methods that you are able to use to help prevent ants in your home and to get rid of them if you already have a problem with them in the first place. You could use some of the pesticides and other chemicals that are on the market, but there are also some natural remedies that will do a good job of kicking those ants away and making your home safe once again. Some of the spices and herbs that can do a good job to remove ants include:



Pepper doesn’t kill ants, but the strong odor is going to chase them away. To make this work, you will need to pour the cayenne pepper or black pepper onto the ant scent trails. You can also mix the pepper with some water in a spray bottle and spritz the entry points of the home.



Cinnamon is a non-toxic and natural method that will not only kill the ants, but the strong smell will help to keep the ants away as much as possible. Plus, it is going to make your home smell amazing at the same time, so it is beneficial for you. Saigon cinnamon is going to be one of the best to use to keep the ants at bay. You can sprinkle this one on the anthills you see, any ant paths, and on kitchen countertops and the floorboards to help keep the ants away.


Fresh Mint 

While many humans like to have the scent of mint around them, ants are not going to be fond of it at all. any type of mint or a strong herb that smells similar to the mint will be enough to get the ants to not hang around. You should consider planting this in your garden during the summer to keep the ants away or you can get some essential oils and spray it in the areas that you notice the ants to keep them away. 

When you have trouble with ants in your home, you will need to look at some of the methods available that will help you remove these ants and get your home safe and secure again. There are different ant control and prevention in Marysville methods that you can choose, depending on the option that works best for your home. If some of the natural remedies do not work, it is time to look into professional services that can get the ants to leave and provide you with insights to avoid them in the future.